Smart Pool Checker - Saltwater Pool & Spa maintenance made easy!
Saltwater pool system sets new standards for swimming pools and spas for its low running cost over the year. Since salt as compare to commercial chlorine are far more economical.
Salt pool systems deliver a constant stream of pure chlorine generated from salt. The benefits of such a system replace chloramines which are the source of irritations and the softening effects of electrolysis and reduction of dissolved alkali minerals offer soothing effects. For people who are sensitive to chlorine, the controlled amount of pure chlorine generated is less offensive.
The key to salt pool maintenance is simple but yet critical. Salt due to its corrosive properties must be controlled so it will not corrode the expensive electrolytic cells. The SMART Pool Checker is a simple yet effective tool to check for an ideal salt concentration so you do not overload the system.
Advanced Features
- Display reading in % or ppt.
- One-touch calibration.

Click to download Instructions Manual
Optional Accessories
1. SS0005N - CAL 0.5% / 5ppt Standard Salinity Solution - 90ml2. VXLR44Q - Button Cell Battery LR44 -1.5 volts (In packs of 4pcs)