Aqua Litecheck (Aquaria Light Meter)

Aqua Litecheck (Aquaria Light Meter)

The Aqua LiteCheck tester is specially designed for measurement underwater.  The tight seal bag provides excellent waterproofing while still enabling accurate measurement of light intensity underwater.

The Aqua Litecheck is good for coral, planted tank setups where sensitive corals or plants need different lighting requirements.  Depth degrades light intensity significantly within several centimeters or inches and therefore, placement of plants and corals at different depths becomes important.

While maintaining lighting fixtures and light intensity, it is necessary to check lighting underwater to determine if cleaning and replacement of bulbs are necessary.  Light bulbs usually still give out light intensity below requirements before it blows out after several months.  Therefore, changing the bulbs before they blow out will keep the plants and corals in tip-top condition.


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